Covid 19

```html COVID Questionnaire Form

COVID Questionnaire Form

Example: Mild symptoms, awaiting test results, exposed to a confirmed case

Current Symptoms *

Example: Fever, cough, headache, fatigue
Example: Recently traveled, contact with a symptomatic person

Fever Details

Example: Sudden onset or gradual increase
Example: Hands, feet, or overall body
Example: Spreading, moving towards core
Example: Exposure to cold air, lack of clothing
Example: Headache, muscle aches, fatigue

Cough Details

Example: Physical activity, cold air, laughter
Example: Warm drinks, cough syrup
Example: Dry, wet, persistent
Example: Mucus production, consistency
Example: Amount per day (e.g., 3 times, a lot)
Example: Clear, yellow, green
Example: Thick, thin

Other Symptoms

Example: Increased, decreased, normal
Example: Loss, metallic taste
Example: Congestion, runny nose
Example: Increased thirst, no change
Example: Color, frequency
Example: Consistency, color
Example: Sweating increased, decreased
Example: Disturbed, uninterrupted
Example: Feeling hot or cold
Example: Anxious, calm, stressed
Example: Blood test results, imaging reports
Example: Positive, negative, awaiting results